Sunday, February 24, 2008

Time Flies...

When you have a toddler!!

I'm terrible at this blog thing - but I wanted to be cool!! I try so hard to be cool :)

Taryn is now 16 months old, and she continues to amaze me and surprise me every single day. She is a pro at walking (which really means she runs everywhere), and she is able to say very many things. She can say the basics (mama, dada, hi, bye bye, etc), but she also says Thank You, Please, Herbie (our dog), kitty, ball, up, help, stop, no (that's a favorite), food, dinner, highchair, play, and more! She knows many of her shapes (can't say them, but recognizes them when I ask for them), and the same for a few colors. She loves to sing, dance and jump.

Things have been wonderful these past few months. I enjoy watching her learn new things, which in turn amazes HER when she can do something new! She goes up the stairs fast as lightening. She has been sick a few times these past few months, but nothing we can't handle. The typical stuff (daycare is the DEVIL), and her first ear infection that just wouldn't go away.

Her second Christmas was wonderful, because she truly enjoyed herself. She was the proud recipient of a new pink convertible - something EVERY child should have apparently.

Still no plans for a little brother or sister - at least not anytime soon. Maybe in a few years. Mommy needs to finish her Master's first :)

I'll try to be better about posting on her - because I know so many of you are waiting with bated breath.