Thursday, April 10, 2008

Baby Genius??

So, I am CONVINCED that my child will become a famous rocket scientist/model - which is good, because considering the state of Social Security, she'll need to support her proud parents.

Taryn is 18 months old (as of yesterday, in fact). For the last few months, I have been trying to get her to repeat the alphabet and numbers 1-10. I don't know how long they've been doing it at daycare (but I am also conviced that her daycare is much better than I give them credit for sometimes).

Anyway, she's at the point where she will repeat every letter of the alphabet and numbers from 1-10, but I always have to say "A", then she'll repeat, then I'll say "B", and she'll repeat, and so forth. FOr the last week or so, when I say A, she'll say B, I'll say C, she'll say D.

I know, I silly - a child is repeating the alphabet! HOWEVER, this morning my super-intelligent and gorgeous child decided to count, BY HERSELF, with no prompting from her half-way sleeping mommy, to 8! She did it all in the right order, although seven sounded like something weird (and I didn't understand it).

But...the kicker?? She's learning all sorts of new words lately, like toddlers this age do. After stopping at Burger King for some chicken tenders for her (because I'm a terrible mother, and I work late and don't have time to cook her a balanced meal every single day before putting her to bed with a soda - diet of course), she started screaming FRENCH FRY, FRENCH FRY!!! Smart kid! However, I was slightly reasonable and got her some applesauce instead. We're driving down the road, and she will say apple, and she will say sauce. Put them together, and what do you have?

Applesauce...or as my HIGHLY intelligent and beautiful daughter would say??